we (I..lol) are talking about unnatural EMFs. I thought that was clear? = cellphones, wifi, electricity... you got it? They disturb our ability to sense the earths radiation = Schumann resonance, which we need for all life.... and especially using footwear all the time and much clothes it makes it way worse as we are connected from earth.
It is not only cancer. Those unnatural EMFs are disturbing our senses... they are doing things with our brain.. that when you start recognising it - it is not pretty. Then all of a sudden you understand why people have so hard time changing, and "seeing" today.. it is very tragic actually.
Francois.. by what your friend says I already know he does not understand quantum theory. You need to have a certain openness to get it, it does not help to read if you do not get it deeply, if you hang too much on old ways of thinking (classic physics) you will not understand. Because it is very different to classic physics and needs a gift of leaving things "open". You should read Bohr a little closer, it is absolutely huge what he has figured out and what kind of a mind he had.
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I could not bath in my hole last days as it was so cold the ice got so thick I could not break it.. so I rolled in snow instead.
I have started drinking huge amounts of clean well water and seaweed water.. at least the double amount.. It feels great!
I have my grounding rod on every night, it connects me to the waterfall above my bedroom with a copper wire.. I sleep so well, just amazing!
I had it on showering today too..lol I cannot wait for the spring to come, this summer I am going to go way more barefoot... and look if I can get some pure leather sole flip flops to use when in town. I have been tanning naked on the balcony already.. sure it want make you brown yet this far north but I suck up electrons from the sun..

My life is all about collecting electrons these days..lol
I got my new glasses... (going to wear them only when driving for sure.. I hate looking through lenses!)