Tyler:The water beneath their feet? You mean, the ice above the ground! Err, fish do not generally enjoy swimming in glaciers and the like. To answer your question, to have access they would have needed to be near a river to get freshwater(not seawater) fish, which is no guarantee. Migrating tribes would have rather relied on pemmican and similiar foods, judging from sources, in order to sustain themselves rather than eating seafood.
Just like Inger said, seafood from lakes and rivers also contain Iodine.
Iodine is also abundant in polar atmospheres. Didn't the Arctic Tribes melt ice and snow for water as well?
Check this out:
'The volatilisation of iodine from the ocean and release to the atmosphere in the ice-covered polar regions has been studied. Laboratory experiments involving sea ice- and ice associated- diatoms have shown how the extreme conditions experienced in sea ice brine channels may lead to an increase in production of organic forms of iodine. Trends were observed in production by different classes of enzymes, active in the oxidative metabolism of the cell. An enhancement in trace gas concentrations due to the concentration effect of solvent volume reduction has also been demonstrated. Field campaigns have been undertaken in both the Arctic and Antarctic. Ship-based measurements in the Weddell Sea have implicated I2 as a key species in the mechanism of enhancement of atmospheric iodine in this region. Organic and inorganic forms of iodine were measured in seawater, sea ice and the atmosphere. On the Brunt ice shelf, enhanced concentrations of CH3I and C2H5I were measured in the snow firn air, with a diurnal profile, suggesting the snow may be a source of these compounds. These measurements have implications for atmospheric mixing ratios of IO, measured from the ship and validated by satellite data, and new particle formation. This is the first combined in situ study in Antarctica of organic and inorganic iodine compounds in sea water, ice and air. On the Western Antarctic Peninsula, IO was detected in the atmosphere, and seawater measurements of iodocarbons have demonstrated how organic compounds of iodine are enhanced during the phytoplankton bloom; these measurements are also a first. Iodine emissions in the sea ice zone were also quantified in two campaigns in the Arctic environment. High concentrations of halocarbons were measured in the brine of sea ice, with respect to the water below, in the Arctic Ocean. High atmospheric halocarbon mixing ratios and flux calculations have demonstrated the effect on the atmosphere above. In the Canadian sub-Arctic, where the ice had quite different physical properties, halocarbon concentrations were the highest ever recorded for some compounds, due to extreme concentration in very cold ice. The enhancement of organic forms of iodine in sea ice has therefore been demonstrated. I2 has been implicated as a key species in iodine emissions. Therefore, understanding has been furthered on the chemistry of iodine in sea ice and polar atmosphere. - See more at:
http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.569386#sthash.zHE4xS55.dpuf'It seems Iodine is plentiful in polar regions.
I did suffer when I transitioned to a wholly RZC diet around that time, but I started then actually getting some initial health benefits, even over what I got from an RVLC diet, such as increased alertness, before, after c 3 weeks into RZC, starting to suffer from worse and worse health problems until I had to give RZC up
I'm not toting Iodine as a cure all as most likely other factors could have been involved with you not being successful on your RZC journey. Maybe you weren't getting enough fat solubles? Vitamin D? Vitamin A? I don't know..
I also trust people like Lex or Wodgina or Ioanna who seem to do just fine minus any iodine supplementation. Now, maybe those successful on RZC have larger livers or better thyroid functions than people like me, who knows? At any rate, such claims are way less bizarre than this peddling of harmful "resistant starch".
Less bizarre, but still bizarre? Lol, Tyler...

I'm not familiar with the way Wodgina or Ioanna go about their diets. They are completely RZC? I know Lex was having some problems initially with the diet and he mentioned that he had low Vitamin D levels and laying out in the sun helped him with his teeth. Personally, I've noticed after getting more sun I had a dramatic increase in exercise tolerance on this diet.
Eveheart:24isours, I have skimmed your journal to try to put your success into perspective, and I have followed Dr. Brownstein's recommendations myself.
While my VLC raw paleo makes me feel great (mental clarity, low inflammation, excellent blood sugar levels, etc.), my blood work in the auto-immune department (thyroid and other involvement) remains the same: I have not improved my glandular function, and I still test positive for antibodies).
At one point I started noticing I was actually becoming hyperthyroid from such a large dose of Iodine. At time I'd have symptoms of hypothyroid as well. It wasn't until I lowered my dose down to single digit milligram levels I started feeling better. I would think that taking Iodine at such a high dose while following a RPD (assuming it contains enough glandular supportive nutrients) can actually cause problems. There have been several studies of long term high dose Iodine supplementation causing all sorts of problems for people, including autoimmune issues. Are you taking a high dose? If so, maybe this could be keeping you from seeing improvements? How is your Vitamin D level?
Do you have any personal blood-test evidence that shows improvement that would be attributed to Brownstein's protocol and not to elimination of dairy, gluten, etc?
Regarding gluten and dairy, I know they both can really take a toll on thyroid function. Eliminating both surely did improve my health but I was still having problems. It wasn't until I started RZC when I noticed the greatest improvement in health. I began eliminating dairy and gluten about the same time I started the Iodine protocol. During the Iodine protocol I did a lot of experimenting with my diet/lifestyle and eventually came to conclusion that supplementing was causing me problems. It seemed the longer I had taken the Iodine while improving my Vitamin A and D levels the less I needed. Maybe the improvements weren't caused by the Iodine at all, I don't know. Research indicates most of us are deficient in the mineral and it is proven to help keep the thyroid in working order and the body cleansed of heavy metals, toxins, radiation, etc.. I guess if I stop supplementing Iodine and start noticing changes in my health I would know if it had a significant impact on my health gains but I don't think I'd want to ..
I do not have any blood tests. I actually haven't gotten any blood tests since starting RZC.
I'm not telling anyone what to do or what to supplement with, or at least I don't mean to. If I come across that way I do apologize but I'm just sharing what is currently working for me and hope it can help others in some way. Thank you all for the discussion and it is great to be a part of this forum.