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Messages - Wolf

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Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Tree Ripened Fruits
« on: July 09, 2011, 12:41:14 am »
grow your own fruit trees.. I know I used to eat peaches right off the tree, because our neighbor's tree stretched over our fence.. they were absolutely delicious, although it was a long time ago when I was like 6 or 7 and I was eating a sad diet and I didn't notice if there was any benefits.
Oh yeah, there was also a time that I ate blackberries straight off the bush in my friend's backyard, those were absolutely delicious too.  That was still when I was eating SAD though, so I dunno if they were helpful or not.  all I know is that homegrown fruits eaten right off the tree/bush are a billion times tastier than the store fruits.

But the other day I visited my grandpa, and he had a bunch of little peaches that had fallen off the tree from his neighbor.. and he let me take a bagful of them.  They're delicious, but I only ate two so far (because I forgot I had them) but if I notice any benefits from them I'll be sure to mention it here.

I don't know anything about ripening with ethylene gas except that Food, Inc. said that tomatos are grown halfway around the world, picked when they're green, and ripened with ethylene gas.. and it sounds disgusting, I would not want to eat any fruits ripened in such a way.  Unfortunately I don't think there is any way to tell if your fruit has been ripened with gas or not..

Journals / Re: Wolf's Journal
« on: July 09, 2011, 12:30:48 am »
I would make the kefir myself its very easy and assures thruly raw fresh kefir every day. Has helped my health so much. I dont trust any commercial kefir brands no matter what they say.

About the hard to find raw animal fats. Shouldn't be that hard to get high qaulity organic eggs right? They're a great fat source. I hear a lot of people talk about ordering from slankers aint that an option for you? Util you are able to secure a high quality animal fat source i would at least eat 1 avocado daily. It ensures some raw fat other than dairy.

Regarding acne. Make sure you dont eat carbs and fat/protein together. Helped me get completely rid of my acne even before going raw. So yeah a pizza is the worst possible thing full of fake chees(unsaterated fat) and starch. Eat yourfruits at least 1 hr before or 45 min after any animal foods.

Qephor isn't a commercial brand.. It is made by the same people who sell the raw milk I buy, it is raw and organic and from grass-fed cows.  In any case, it is much too sour tasting for me, and I can't really drink it.

and like I said, I can't stand raw egg whites.  Even lately the yolks alone have been grossing me out a bit, they don't taste nearly as good, I gag when I try to swallow them, and they even made my stomach hurt.. so I haven't really been eating eggs.  Avocados are good though, I have been eating those sometimes, but not everyday unfortunately.

And I normally don't mix my foods together much.  I at least eat my fruit completely separate from my other foods.

edit:  I also avoid any refined sugars, and would not mix them with my eggs, nor would I want to blend my eggs as I heard it ruins them.

Journals / Re: Wolf's Journal
« on: July 08, 2011, 02:49:30 pm »
Still haven't been eating much meat lately, but that's because the grass-fed meat that I found that I like seems to never be in stock at my organics store anymore.  I'm trying to hold out as much as I can until they start getting it back in stock more often, if they ever do.. but it's hard, because the grass-fed ground beef that I used to get from trader joe's hasn't been tasting so good to me anymore.  I just bought a dehydrator though, and I'm going to start making beef jerky from lower quality meats to sustain me until I can get fresh grass-fed steaks.  The only problem is that the dehydrator, when assembled how it's supposed to be, reaches temperatures of up to 160 degrees F.. so I've had to modify it in a box so that the temperatures don't go over 120.  Good thing I bought a thermometer.  I still can't find a good source of grass-fed fats though, other than dairy, which I do consume a lot of.

I was able to gain most of my weight back, but then I think I must have developed an ulcer or something, because I would get a burning pain at the top of my stomach whenever I ate certain things.. and because of that, I started eating a lot less, and now I think I've lost my weight again.  Luckily though, the ulcer or whatever it was has prevented me from eating anymore pizza, because I got really sick after I ate some raw vegan cookie, and it got so bad it made me puke.. and it makes me scared to death that eating any pizza will make me puke, too.  I've also become extremely paranoid of anything containing soy or corn products, after reading about how GMO crops have been causing miscarriages in farm animals.. and infertility is one of my biggest fears.  I'm also starting to become paranoid of pesticides in the fruit I eat, so I've only been buying fruits if they're organic now.

I also started making ice cream, using raw unpasteurized cream from grass-fed cows, raw honey as my sweetener, and either raw cacao powder or organic vanilla extract for flavourings, with a bit of cinnamon.  It's pretty delicious, too, and I might even share some with my dad.. after I've finally perfected my ice cream making technique, since it's difficult making ice cream when it's so hot over here. 

Another lucky thing is that I think I may be able to convince my grandpa to start on a raw animal foods diet.. He's always been open to weird diets and foods, and I remember I used to watch him eat raw eggs when I was a little girl.  I at least convinced him to feed his new puppy on a raw meat diet, and after he's seen how much energy she's had on this diet, he's been seeming willing to try out eating a diet like hers. 

My meat that I left out for days didn't turn brown, it turned a deep red color.  But it is lamb so maybe that explains it.

I had some lamb once, and I think it still turned brown..  o.O;  I don't remember for sure, though.. maybe yours dried out, instead?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Nuts VS Meats
« on: July 06, 2011, 03:37:34 am »
I tried eating raw nuts before, a couple times.  I noticed that when I ate them in small amounts, they seemed to be fine with digestion.. Although I know they are definitely harder to digest than raw meat.

but whenever I ate a lot of them, I noticed that I would get this bright, yellow-orange, very oily substance come out the other end.. and the same stuff even for different types of nuts, I think both raw brazil nuts and raw cashews did this.  Though, they were trader joe's brand, and might not have been truly raw, either, but they were labeled as raw.  But I have avoided nuts ever since that happened to me a second time.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Chocolate Syrup
« on: July 06, 2011, 02:38:56 am »
It hurts to think about it.  -\

that fruit, honey, cream, some butter, optional egg  -v

The only recipe I'm really comfortable discussing is the raw bubble gum recipe since that one isn't associated with the act of vomiting.  :)

Well if I switched out the fruit for some chocolate, then I could make chocolate pudding?  Or what about if I wanted to make vanilla pudding?
I've never even heard of that fruit before so I probably wouldn't even be able to find it.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Chocolate Syrup
« on: July 06, 2011, 02:37:22 am »
You go, girl!!! and  love your disclaimer

I make raw ice cream and sorbet in a Vitamix... easy and yummy.

Rofl, thanks.. I know some people have actually had problems with raw cacao, plus I added milk which still others have problems with raw dairy.. and I'm also pretty sure vanilla extract isn't all that paleo.
But I love the idea of making raw chocolates and sweets with raw milk/cream, raw dairy, raw eggs, and the like.. I really wish I could make a raw chocolate chip cookie dough that is really raw, but wheat-free and sugar-free cookie dough isn't going to be easy to make.. I already tried making a cookie dough with stone-ground whole wheat, organic brown sugar, raw egg, raw sugar, and honey, but it didnt turn out good at all.
But all the raw snacks and desserts and things I see in the health food stores are all completely vegan and such, which frustrates me.. I don't want raw vegan cheesecake, I want cheesecake made with raw milk! I don't want raw vegan cashew ice cream, I want ice cream made with raw cream!
I know all these things are bad for me though, but at least in raw form it would be a million times better for me than if I buy the commercial cooked forms.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Chocolate Syrup
« on: July 05, 2011, 01:13:28 pm »
I used to dabble in chocolate pudding fruit. Then one day I ate a not so ripe raw plantain and vomited like crazy, nauseous for hours first, followed by diarrhea next day. I haven't touched chocolate pudding fruit since. And to this day, the thought of it makes me want to  -v

I'm off chocolate for life, thank you raw vegans with that "plantains can be eaten raw nonsense," ugghh.

That sucks.. how did you make the chocolate pudding though?

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Chocolate Syrup
« on: July 05, 2011, 01:01:05 pm »
Very cool wolf~~! is your honey liquid because it's very fresh or because it's warm? Looks positively enticing!

I got it from arizona, and it wasn't refrigerated or anything, so I'm pretty sure it got warm, since it was like 90 degrees out when I bought it and the store wasn't really air conditioned much either.  It says on the label that it is raw, unfiltered, no water added, and handpacked by so&so though, but it's clear and liquidy so it's probably strained or something.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Chocolate Syrup
« on: July 05, 2011, 12:46:30 pm »
Optionally, you can add a dash of himalayan pink salt to enhance the flavour, and/or a dash of cinnamon to spice it up.

I think I will save some of it for when I make ice cream, and if it is good, let my dad try some raw ice cream with raw chocolate syrup on top!

Display Your Culinary Creations / Chocolate Syrup
« on: July 05, 2011, 09:48:54 am »

Sweets seem to be the easiest to make..
What I did was mix about 3 teaspoons of raw cacao powder with 6 teaspoons of raw liquid honey, then added 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and 1 teaspoon of raw whole milk, and mixed it all together.  Ta da!  Instant raw chocolate syrup.  Next up is to make some raw ice cream!

You can get raw cacao powder and other raw cacao products here:
as well as raw vanilla extract:
Although, I don't know how reliably raw they are, but they claim that none of their foods are heated or roasted or cooked or anything, and that all their spices are cool-dried not heat-dried.

Not that I would advocate this as being healthy in any way, even though it is raw, this is just for a treat, without having to buy the artificial, pasteurized, cooked versions with their added preservatives and refined sugars and who knows what else.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Applesause
« on: July 05, 2011, 09:29:34 am »
I hope you guys enjoy!

I also forgot to mention, you can get raw cinnamon powder here:
Although, I don't know how reliably raw they are, but they claim that none of their foods are heated or roasted or cooked or anything, and that all their spices are cool-dried not heat-dried.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Raw Ravioli
« on: July 04, 2011, 01:22:42 am »
Thanks!  And no, I wouldn't share any recipes with raw meat in them anyways, because people would freak out at me, lol.. maybe the cheese ones I would, but then I'm greedy with food and if they're good, I'll want them all to myself.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Applesause
« on: July 04, 2011, 12:39:06 am »

This was easy to make, and quite delicious.  The only ingredients you need are an apple, raw honey, cinnamon, and raw apple cider vinegar.
In a small 6 oz bowl, I mixed a little bit of raw apple cider vinegar, some honey, and cinnamon, to taste.. this stuff gives it that "applesauce" taste, but you could leave out the apple cider vinegar if you want.  I like it sweet so I had a lot of honey.. I used a liquidy honey that I got from Arizona, labeled raw, unfiltered, and no water added.. the "cat's claw" flavour seems to go best with the organic fuji apple that I used, but you can use whatever apple and whatever honey you have, or think go good together.  My mixture turned out about the consistency and colour of liquid caramel.  Then I took the apple, cut it into fourths, peeled and gutted it.  I took half the apple, and chopped it into little pieces, and threw it in the blender with a little more than half the honey sauce, and blended all that together to whatever consistency I liked.  Then I took the other half of the apple, cut it into 8 slices, then arranged them in my bowl.  I poured in the applesauce from the blender, then covered it in the rest of the honey sauce, and garnished with a couple of the apple peeling and a bit of cinnamon on top.  I WAS going to warm it by putting the bowl in warm water, using my thermometer to make sure the water doesn't get too hot (since the hot water that comes out of the sink can get up to 150 degrees F) but it just looked too delicious that I started eating it right away, cold, lol.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Raw Ravioli
« on: July 04, 2011, 12:15:28 am »
Alright, to make these raviolis, First I started off with the sauce.  I took one tomato, chopped it up into little cubes, and let all the liquids drain off as much as I could, then I added paprika, cayenne, basil, a bit of lemon juice, a little bit of chopped up green peppers and garlic, and some himalayan pink salt, then threw all this in the blender. (fresh garlic, paprika, cayenne, basil, himalayan salt, green pepper, and cinnamon are the only spices I own right now , all organic though, but that's all I have to work with.. if you want to make these, you can use whatever spices you like, or have, to make it taste the way you want.  I'm sure they'd taste much better with other spices, unless you like bland stuff, then you could make it without spices at all.)  I took the raw meat, I had about a half pound of trader joe's 100% grass fed ground beef, and took a little less than half of that ( so about a little less than 1/4 pound of meat ) and spread it out on a plate.  To that meat I added more spices and salt, mixed it all up together, and threw it in the blender on top of the tomatoes, added an ounce or so of olive oil, then blended it all together.  I split that in half, pouring each half in one small bowl.

For the meat filling, I took the rest of the half pound of ground beef, and spread it out flat on a plate.  Then I added lemon juice, a bunch of paprika, some salt, and only a little bit of cayenne, because I had added too much cayenne to the tomato sauce, and it was really spicy.  I mixed it all together as well as I could, and then got the fattest zucinni I had.  I peeled it, then cut it in half lengthwise, then used my peeler to slice of long, thin, fat strips of zucinni.  Then I pulled off pieces of the meat, and rolled them in the zucinni slices to act as the pasta, and arranged these on a plate.. Here's a picture of the raviolis after I rolled them all up:
(the pictures are big, so I'm just going to post them as links, click to see the picture)

After that, I poured the sauce over them, added nama shoyo, a bit of olive oil, salt, paprika, basil, green peppers, and raw cheese shavings to the top, and there we go!
I love cheese, so I added extra cheese on this last one:

Display Your Culinary Creations / Raw Ravioli
« on: July 03, 2011, 03:41:42 am »

Here's a picture of the finished product.   ;D

I have to go to work right now though, but when I get home I'll post more pictures and explain how I made it.  These are beef ravioli, going to make cheese ravioli next.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Tomato Basil Soup
« on: July 02, 2011, 05:48:55 pm »
So for some reason lately I have been craving tomatoes.. I don't know why, and I know tomatoes are nightshades and all, but I really wanted to make a raw tomato basil soup.  I didn't measure everything out, but I can give most approximations, though the spices should be added to taste..

I only made a really small serving size, since I was only feeding myself, but this is what I did:
Took one whole tomato, one of the regular looking ones, ran it under warm (90 degree F) water for a while to warm it, and put it in my cheap blender.
Cheap blender couldn't chop up the tomato, so I cut the tomato up over the blender cup so that none of the juices would be lost.
Blended the tomato (with difficulty) until it was somewhat liquidy, but still choppy.
Added half an ounce of chopped up raw sharp cheddar cheese, two small chopped up fresh garlic cloves, a bunch of basil, a few dashes of cayanne and himilayan pink salt, a sprinkle of paprika, and then poured in probably from one half to a whole ounce of cold pressed olive oil, then blended it all up some more.
Poured half of it in a tiny bowl with some small zuccini pieces on the side, and topped with more basil and a tad more cayenne.

Then I ate the first half of it, it was pretty good, although a bit watery tasting in my opinion.  So for the second half of the soup, I poured into a tiny bowl with small zucinni slices on the side, added basil and cayenne on top, sprinkled on some nama shoyo soy sause over the top, then covered it and let it sit on my dresser overnight because I wasn't hungry anymore. 
The next day I took it and uncovered it, added even more basil and cayenne, sprinkled on more nama shoyo, added a bunch of himilayan pink salt, and shredded another half ounce of raw sharp cheddar overtop of the whole thing, but when I tasted it, it was much too salty and spicy for me.. so I added about another ounce of olive oil into it, and that just made it absolutely perfect.

A bit indulgent, but at least all of the ingredients were mostly raw, just the seasonings might have been heat-dried, but they could easily have been used raw if I had my own fresh herbs at home, and the nama shoyo is a bit of a cheat, even though it IS unpasteurized.  And it seems to have completely cured me of my craving to eat a pizza with extra sauce.. Unfortunately I was unable to get a picture, but it was a very light red colour, not the deep red you usually see for tomato products.

My next recipe that I'm going to try, is making raw raviolis, both beef and cheese.  I also have a recipe for raw chocolate frosting, and I'm experimenting on a raw applesauce.. and I also bought some raw cream so that I can try out making raw ice cream or a raw milkshake.. because I have been craving these things so much, but I don't want to eat cooked, pasteurized, heated, chemical-filled commercial versions, so I am experimenting on making them raw!  These are all for indulgence though, not things I would want to make and eat on a daily basis.

Hot Topics / Re: How to Create REAL Raw Paleo Honey
« on: June 30, 2011, 08:56:28 am »
I don't remember the exact price, but I pay less than $11/lb for the raw fermented honey direct from Really Raw.

Oh, I didn't check the fermented honey prices.
Is fermented honey alcoholic?  I'd like to try some, but not if it's in any way alcoholic.. I've never drank alcohol nor do I want to, and I don't want to drink or eat anything that might be even slightly alcoholic.

Hot Topics / Re: How to Create REAL Raw Paleo Honey
« on: June 30, 2011, 12:39:41 am »
Wofl, I buy a 1 lb jar and by the case from Really Raw, so it's cheaper than that for me. Maybe I'll try WeeBee some day too. Thanks for the info.

I looked on the Really Raw website and calculated the pricing for the case(at $150.90 for a case of 24 8oz glasses), and it comes out to about $6.28 or so per each 8oz bottle.. which is still more expensive at over $25 for 2lbs of honey, while my weebee honey was $18.99 for a 2lb jar.. and the 1lb jar is already $14.70, which is only $4.29 cheaper for half as much honey.

Although those are the website prices, I don't know if you get your Really Raw honey from a different source that might be cheaper.

Personals / Re: California
« on: June 30, 2011, 12:31:01 am »
The pasteurized organic non homogenized milk from trader joes(its from strauss farms) is better then OP milk imo, its half the price too.  Not raw but I'm not really concerned with 15 seconds of 160 degrees or so.

I've never had calaravile but I remeber it being even more expensive then OP

Also for anyone who doesn't know OP has some pretty shady practices, they outsource for a couple of there products like colostrum and I've read they will buy pretty shitty raw milk and pass it off as from there grass fed cows. 

He confirmed the statement and left a real beauty in my email inbox.
Not only was the colostrum from another dairy, but it was from one of the most notorious dairies in California: the Vander Eyk Organic Dairy out of Pixley, California.
Perhaps you have heard of the Vander Eyk Dairy right here on this blog. My husband and I stayed up late one June evening learning video editing to get this video out with the breaking news story.
The Vander Eyk Organic Dairy is the first and only dairy in U.S. history to lose its organic certification.

OP parades around as "grass fed" alluding to being 100% GF but they aren't.  Imo Mark Mcafee is a snake and I would never support the dude.

I don't want to drink pasteurized milk, which is why I don't get the strauss milk.. Pasteurized milk tastes like plastic to me.  I've never drank the colostrum from OP, but even if the milk isn't as great of quality, it's never given me any problems, it tastes great, and it's raw.  IMO it seems pretty much the same as having to choose between eating raw organic possibly grain-fed meat, or cooked grass-fed meat.. I think I'd prefer the raw.. but to each his own

Personals / Re: California
« on: June 30, 2011, 12:23:38 am »
For my one month in Cali, I have to say claravale milk is much better than organic pastures. Its pure jersey milk and comes in glass bottles so no plastic taste you get with organic pastures

Yes, I really like Claravale farms jersey milk in the glass bottles a lot more, and the rare times I do find it in the store I shop at, I buy it over the Organic Pastures milk.. however, the only problem with Claravale farms (which also provides raw goat milk, too actually) is that they are not certified organic, and will use antibiotics on their cows if their cows become sick (although those cows are kept separate from the milking herd and their milk is not sold until the antibiotics are out of their system).. I also heard tell that they can't always get organic feed for their cows, but that was from one of the employees at the store I buy my raw milk from, when I asked why they didn't have the claravale farm milk anymore.. so I don't know for sure how reliable the information is, because after that, they got Claravale milk in again.

Personals / Re: California
« on: June 29, 2011, 12:10:29 am »
Well, the store that I shop at pretty much almost always has milk from Organic Pastures in stock, everyday.  It's very rare that I'll go in and there be no milk!  The other products are more hit and miss though, such as the butter, cultured butter, qephor, colostrum, and all that are often less in stock than the actual milk.  But I think you can order from Organic pastures,  it looks like they will deliver their milk to you.

Hot Topics / Re: How to Create REAL Raw Paleo Honey
« on: June 28, 2011, 12:32:37 am »
Oh I bought some really raw brand honey, too, it's really good, tastes great, and has all those bits and pieces like my other honey I eat.. Really Raw honey is Really Expensive honey too, though, lol.  The other honey I get which I love is Wee Bee Honey.. they have a website, too.

I can get a 2lb jar of honey for less than $20, whereas my Really Raw honey was $7.69 for 8oz.

Health / Re: Ulcer?
« on: June 27, 2011, 02:10:42 pm »
And at least for now, a taste of cinnamon powder seems to act well as a quick, although temporary, pain relief for whenever I'm having these stomach pains.. dunno why.

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