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Messages - badboy9311

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Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: November 17, 2013, 06:37:56 am »
Would you mind letting me know how your testosterone levels are? IF you got it tested
Interesting lab work, i'll  need to learn to read more of these

Thyroid level seems to be nice too, jealous of you ppl who have access to those organ meat and stuff

My situation is sticky but I'm working on it
Lately my go-to meal is cooked

Bacon, onion, garlic stir fry
or Bacon and Egg fried

I know it's shitty, but it's what I hv for now
I can tolerate raw meat, just need to actually be getting good quality ones..
the ones from supermarket taste nasty whereas the ones I buy from farmers market tastes like heaven

Except $$

I hv money coming in soon though, support coming from my parents

Time for me to hustle for money too. I ain't strong/athletic, but I got a brain and MCT oil + Vitamin D is giving my energy back

Comparing to most people being afraid of supplements

I'll make a note here:

To those who's looking for a solution towards Eczema, supplements are NOT something you should be afraid fact it helped me to get myself together at times (winter)


Vitamin D and MCT oil, also Liver tabs came in
I'm very enthusiastic about building a better body and getting stronger in general, let's give this a try as first start..

My Diet needs to be up to part..this will be done on the weekend..going to figure out my diet plan.
Need to get a damn freezer next..

Dropping all other goals at the moment to stay disciplined on recovery towards full and healthy glowing skin
Have to say though, working out helps me to keep myself disciplined, and sane


Self research note:
Just reading about the basis of why eczema comes into play
Realize that I somewhat understand about the macronutrients, but lack a lot of understanding of micronutrients
For future use

I've ordered Vitamin D3 which would hopefully get my mood back up for a bit at least with some MCT oil to give me a boost (small experimentation, i know D3 Gives me happiness away from this winter depression)

I'm now also quite certain that most of my unhappiness and depression came from my poor health (i've always had a frowny face's a constant tension on me..) Life just feels like a piece of shit (yes not feeling pleasant at the moment)

Funny how autoimmune disease patients are those that neglected the most and treated like monsters, but you can't die from it so no one really cares

I've also got way less energy to care about other ppl's matter and gone quite cynical again, building up this wall between me and ppl

Currently at a pretty bad place again, and seeing my struggles comparing to what other people are born with, I'm feeling really negative about it
While people are complaining about sweating and feeling gross..I'm scratching scars out of my skin and painting my shirt with blood, while my faces go all red and looks like im about to kill someone

so hard to create positive thoughts when your body is shit..I believe health is the base element of happiness now. if you don't hv it, everything else are like cherries on top of nothing

Re Jessica
Funny thing is the city here (currently reside in east ontario,canada) has a lot of healthy old folks in town so they have some health stores and regular farmer markets where i can buy some goodies
sad thing is they stop working before christmas (right when I need it)

Fish is hard to get here, since it's inland..the ones that get here are expensive
I'll hv to eat what I have here, to be somewhat reasonable to eat heavy and not even worry about calories (which i never do anyways)
Seaweed is something I still can't find..Same reason that fish isn't much popular here (they sell farmed fishes in metro..but i try avoiding them)

Winter is crazy here goes down to -20 degree Celsius or even lower depending on wind
Sun depends, it's quite minimal i hv to say, and even though there might be sun, you'd be too cold to go out for sun (or I'd be for now until i figure out how to stay warm)

same reply to jessica i guess, i don't really have nice fish here other than frozen expensive stuff from alaska, or vancouver/upper canada (it'll be a treat)

Currently still (yes, same shit again as last year) struggling with getting my meat, because I almost got a freezer today but got a shitty one instead so returned it and got the refund

In short
Searching for freezer

I hate low fat meat now
I need fat

Health / Re: Urgent: Mom with possibility of having Cancer!! Please Help!!
« on: November 11, 2013, 10:21:04 am »
Thanks for all your help I've been juggling school, my own struggles for success in life and getting my health back
also trying to get my families' health back

Now im concentrated on my health, for my health brings me energy to drive for wealth in whatever way


Doctor says there's a very tiny shadow in her lung and it's really hard to check whether it's bad/good cell (aka cancer or not)
so she has to wait for like whatever scan (can't remember) for 2015!!!!!


So fuck that, I'm going to make her so healthy that she doens't hv to worry about it

Slowly realizing that vitamin D3 is so key, apparently prevents cancer or something?

Can someone confirm that?

And please update me what I should consider as the EASIEST action that yields normal health benefits but it's easier for her to adapt to ?

Teaching a 50 yrs old is worse than teaching a bunch of kids.  just ppl who refuse to reconsider their paradigms..

Well, let's just put it this way

I'm not at ALL conservative about sex
I don't even think i'll ever get married (personal opinion, to each his own)

it's just im tiring at some times that I think "maybe i should do some shit involving girls"
then I think "too tired"

I'm kind of so tired to a degree that I can sleep through a whole day lying in bed and not going out at all (kind of have to force myself)

Sort of suspecting a combination of low T, low thyroid, and just overall low energy
This winter is killing me slowly

Journals / I'm back at the Grind, supplementing D3 in couple days
« on: November 11, 2013, 07:49:18 am »
For shitty reasons of horrible self-discipline
Im at it again, when I was 75% recovered for some reason in summer (raw paleo diet + sunlight)
Then came part time work, drinking and partying

Cutting out drinking for real now, I realize I can have fun without drinking and drinking does not give me good mood as much as before now

Staying away from Gluten, all processed food and using bone broth as my starter again (as my lazy hot food excuse)

Ordered Vitamin D3, Liver Tabs (for my muscle needs) and MCT oil (low energy, experimentation)

Any suggestions for low energy, libido and constantly depressing mood?

To Do List:

Get Method of Storing meat
Get Bulk Supply anyways for winter time
Get exercise to keep my body moving and disciplined (no workout, no discipline)

Itchy rashes coming back
Itchy scalp, hairloss from scratching and also hair falling out
Low energy
Cold hands and feet remains
Constant feeling of coldness
Brain Fog
Sleepy All the time
Low libido/sexual desire/weak erection
Low Test? I want high testosterone to boost my muscle gains

I don't know where I'd be without you GS, that's from the heart

Please stay safe so I can visit you very soon when I visit asia during summer

Its funny though, i used to hate rice when I was a kid
Hate it so much, that the thought of having rice, and when i try to have rice I'd want to throw up
When the rice has something on it obviously, the taste is easier to tolerate (for example: sushi rice is treated with vinegar)

I do agree rice crazy countries like China, Philippine and most asia countries are rough to live in, just to avoid rice
Your kids might just hate rice, if you make sure there's no topping (like curry or sauce from food), or taken together with other food. See if they still want rice
I hated rice without topping/ sauce, I think your kids would be the same (assumption)

This is the turning point, slowly but surely
Used LBB formula (Dr. Christopher) to fix my constipation, and it's working quite well
first night last night without any scratches (success?) will see if I scratch for the next few days
Im still really sensitive to sweat but somehow i guess i have to keep the suntanning and weightlifting going
Slipped a bit for the last few days though my diet has been off track, it's back on now
Im naturally quite a slacker and lack discipline, for that I've read "the power of habit" and learnt how to fix it
Whenever i keep a food journal my diet is near flawless, but whenever i don't it kinda floats everywhere

But constipation is huge man, now i realize how much it varies. I take about 2-4 each day (usually 2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon)
maybe i need to fix it through my diet as well..more fat/hydration?

Going to avoid rice whenever i am at my parttime job (i have to eat their food since im in camp), but i guess have to do it anyways

So strategy right now would be cooked paleo whenever impossible to follow a RPD

Current Improvements:
1. Constipation improving with LBB (Dr. Christopher) formula
2. No scratches near stomach area (fixed problem of large intestine? the period i had large and scary wounds on my stomach area was the worst time of my constipation)
3. my right arm elbow area is fully recovered and doesn't really itch me, so now the only area that has open wound and scratches is left arm elbow area

Need for improvement:
1. Dietary strategy is a lifestyle change, as recommended by GS on his website. I fully agree and I want to add on that psychologically speaking it is a HABIT, therefore a food journal is almost vital, or else no one would like to change what they eat (Humans are naturally lazy)
2. Taking more photos for future evidence to educate people, and more so remind myself the pain and experience i went through
3. Going to stay put and experience with LBB formula for a while first, before trying out the other supplements I have purchased.
4. Bought some veggies to make kimchi, let's see how it turns out
5. Need improvement with Wound Recovery, it's too slow, also scars don't seem to fade as fast as when i was little
Thank you GS, Arty, and all you other RPD forum members, Im beginning to heal and it's all thanks to your encouragements.

Just received the Zeoforce clay, vitamin D3 supplement (Now Brand) and Dr. Christopher formula for Lower Bowel Balance

Going to experiment with the Dr. Christopher Formula first

Also been working out to boost Human Growth Hormone production, hopefully this will make my recovery faster
I feel like lifting weights and working out is not only beneficial physically but also psychologically puts you in a state of mind of discipline. This is quite crucial when you are trying to follow a diet and lifestyle change

Shame-less self-promotion:
I've made a site recently regarding eczema and asthma, with emphasis on the systematic autoimmune disorder named the "Atopic March". I don't know too much about forum rules here, but I see that GS have his own link down at the bottom of his signature, so I assume it's alright. Please let me know if I'm violating the forum rules by putting my site name up.

Regarding my website, It's very much in its infant stage, but I have a growing compassion for people with asthma, eczema and everything related. Please swing by once in a while, leave a few comments if you wish to help me out!

1. Did an egg-yolk liver flush today, felt slight nausea but didn't have diarrhea like before but just some normal feces..My liver cleaned out?
Liver flush is such an interesting, yet weird thing I still don't understand. I'll try to research more and maybe further trials on it
2. Having many scratches when I sweat/heated up, also when I sleep, maybe the infection is getting strong?
basically I try to take less showers but maybe that is worsening the situation re wounds and infections
It is bothering me: if i shower my skin gets extremely dry..If i don't the dirt builds up and worsen the infection
Need to put a balance to this, maybe moisture with butter?
3. I think im allergic to coconut oil, or maybe just this certain brand of coconut oil..Weird..Quality really varies a lot for coconut oil
4. Dry fruits are kind of a NO for me, kind of screw up my digestion and my eczema flares up
5. Fasting needs to be incorporated with better Feeding window, meaning that I need to eat more when Im done fasting, or else I lack varying nutrients
6. Needs to Sun-Tan more after reading c_kid's opinion on vitamin D re post on acnes
7. Since I've recovered almost completely on cooked paleo diet before, I assume that RPD is going to be the basis of my cure, and go from there
8. Thinking of how to detoxify, to speed up recovery process. Various items is spinning on my mind lately
zinc supplement <--Oysters, meat from food source, or purchasing pills
Algae related supplement<--Detox Heavy metal? Im so sensitive to chemicals that I use to be able to tell if fruits have pesticides or not
Clay powder? <---Positive reviews from LDIE
LBB formula from Dr. Christopher<--Positive review from GS
Fermented Food<--Positive Review from various sources, basically to rebuild digestive system and gut flora, should be more beneficial than probiotics after various thoughts
9. Watched <Food, Inc> and <In search of a Perfect Human Diet>, realized how the food system is totally screwed, this just gives me more motivation to eat healthy now
10. Still clueless about the basis of my eczema. Suspecting it to be a GUT problem, due to digestion problems, but also suspecting a crappy liver due to BINGE DRINKING habit from the last two years.
11. Smoked a cigarette couple days ago and regret it so much. It's my second one in my life yet. I thought it'd give me some emotional relief or escape from this situation but it didn't. Alcohol was also bad.
12. I need to understand more about the CAUSE of eczema (if any of you can point me somewhere), to further help the issue. but For Now I believe it's back to NATURAL diet and lifestyle, with various supplements to detoxify and rebuild

Having more trouble sleeping and still constipation lately
It is weird, maybe I do need some leafy green in my diet after all to repair the gut?
I am confused in the rolls of vegetables because it's somehow not mentioned as not to be eaten raw?
I have no clue though, maybe the sick needs it to repair?

More wounds repairing but some new wounds near stomach area. It is funny how my wounds go all over the place. it used to be my back and my arms, now it's going lower to my stomach. Perhaps it's because of my gut? I mean it is directly on top of it

Air-conditioner proven to be deadly to me yet raining days I need it to be able to sleep. My tolerance to temperature is still very low.
Extreme heat kills me because im very sensitive to sweat yet also sensitive to cold. This is nuts

Going to improve:
1. Get started on fermented food, high meat, etc to repair gut
2. Buy LLB formula from Dr. Christopher's Formula
3. Maybe trying out apple detox?
4. Continue fasting for 16 hrs per day diet
5. Maybe experiment with leafy greens?
6. Don't have juicing machine yet, but I do chew on carrot from day to day

just bought an enema, helped my constipation a bit but I know i can't rely on it
going to experiment with some fermented food for a healthier gut

Doing the fasting protocol suggested by arty currently, but realizing that my recovery of wounds are kind of slow. Taking things one step at a time though

so priority:
1. Sticking to a 100% RPD, by writing down all the food I've ate for the day (food journal)
2. Making fermented food such as kimchi and high-meat (kimchi is my favorite while high-meat is helpful in digesting raw meat i suppose)
3. Purchasing clay for heavy metal detox? still thinking
4. Need to up my bowel function: going to be purchasing Dr. Christopher's formula as noted in LDIE's journal
5. Recently reading up on Gut-Brain connection and how your brain can affect your gut function, which means stress is a big factor in immune disease. Going to counter this by Walking outside for half an hour barefoot,  or meditation
6. Just started my website but it is so very much at its infant stage. I want to make this part of my life. I've cured myself of asthma and eczema before on cooked paleo, i can do it again just the same on raw paleo diet!

No I haven't seen one yet, Still looking around for one
Biological dentist is going to cost I need to see if i really need it

Thanks Arty will shoot you an email soon

GS what do u mean it's a good lead regarding infections?

Current Diet Update:
Slipped a little bit due to social situation with my parents (It's important to bond over meal time here in Hong Kong, because everyone is so busy that there isn't much anything else that we do to bond), but I can't give in anymore so I started eating alone now

Parents are not understanding my diet, but they've given in ( a big step up)
But It'll take my full recovery to convince them that Im onto something.

Weird thing is these couple days my arms are recovering nicely but my body started having weeping eczema all over. It is crazy how itchy it is. I don't know why this is happening. Too fast of a detox? or maybe it's just finding it's own way out?

Maybe it is true that once you started eating a better diet, even slip ups would have a stronger reaction.

Current goal:
1. Sticking to an all raw, paleo diet consistently
2. Stimulate Colon Movement, currently trying out Psyllium Husk but will try to buy LBB capsules online (probably Dr. Christopher's Formula, or make it myself if I can find a herbstore)
3. Food Right now consists of in season fruits such as pineapples and Durians, also wild caught salmon steak and raw oysters
However, the fat content is lacking a bit, going to try to up it by ordering some beef/bone marrow
4. It is getting more and more stressful every day trying to cure this..I have no other solutions for this other than maybe meditation..

Thank you all for the great help!! You would not understand how stressed I am right now
Trying to take all this in one step at a time to not get overwhelmed but health is my current #1 priority over everything else.

I am suspecting her of Lung Cancer, but it's only because she has got a scan of her lungs with a dark shadow (yet confirmed, fingers crossed)

Currently trying to convince her that Raw paleo diet can be the key to health, yet older generations are hard to change as they assume their expertise with their age and experience.

Thank You for your piles of evidence, I've been trying to get my head around these and yet I've had a hard time putting them together for some reason. (Lack thereof structure of these resources or just plain chaotic research)

Great Thanks to letsdoiteczema for the food sources page for Hong Kong, if you happen to read this thank you very much. Saved Me a lot of time

Will Update More regularly as soon as results/progress are made.

Hi there fellas,

Im on my knees asking you guys give me your helping hands for my mother, who was always on SAD diet and have possibility of getting Cancer (has yet confirmed)

- Curved Spine (Where her spine is curved like an S)
- Gallbladder removed when she was young (bad decision made)
- Overweight despite short, and possibly due to removed Gallbladder
- High Cholesterol level and Blood Pressure
- Fear of Raw Meat and Pathogens (struggling to convince her that Raw Meat Diet is important
- Irregular Heart Beats, Sometimes she gets chest burns
- Dark Shadow found when scanning her Chest at hospital (Hasn't been confirmed yet, Might need to take sample of the cells)

Please help me out here, I am in the process of learning still and I am lost in terms of what's best for her.

Potential Questions:
1. How to convince her that Parasites, Bacterias and Viruses are NOT the problem on a RAW MEAT diet? Im trying hard to pile up evidences!
2. How can I help her cure/Prevent? What are the protocols?
3. As I said: Her GallBladder is GONE, how does that affect her chance of adapting on a RAW MEAT/FAT diet??

Im in full force this summer to cure eczema and learn how to be healthy
Im going to start taking control of my health and ignore my parents' opinion and socialization
The more I realize how much it affects my happiness in life the more motivation I have to get healthy
Going to look around and try to get accustomed to the market and shopping habit here in HK
And I realize Im quite easily constipated. What are some food/cleanses that can benefit me?
I've read your posts about Colon Cleanse I'll try to find those that you've mentioned here.

True, I should take some now. Going to dig up my camera then.

I was not believing, but this is true..Liver Flush with Egg Yolk yields success for me

It is obvious how much less bumps and itch i get, also how I won't scratch my wounds anymore since I started doing liver flush (twice only, because I feel nausea on them)

Wounds are finally recovering, Im happy about this finding and progress

Going to keep up with the diet though, I am having fairly poor digestion since exam period and colon is not working as properly

Should have taken some before pictures.

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