« on: June 08, 2019, 09:52:08 am »
Ive experimented with different plant foods over the years, and for the most part most plants don't work well with my high fat whole animal approach.
Recently I have discovered Burdock Root growing in my yard and have harvested some and eaten it raw, in small amounts it feels real refreshing, and seems to have an overall beneficial effect. If I eat more than a small root at a time I will feel a little bloated, but no where near the negative symptoms I would get from other vegetables.
The main inquiry here would be to ask others what raw roots, shoots, and tubers might go best in moderation along with a raw meat based diet? I am also interested in tonic roots that may not work as a primary food source, but could be used from time to time for their interesting and adaptogenic effects....such as Ginseng or Sassafras?
It seems that there are many roots which have much less oxalates and other anti nutrient profiles, than many leafy greens . Perhaps there are minerals, resistance starch, and undiscovered synergistic factors contained in some roots that could be complementary a raw paleo diet?
I have built a large freshwater pond, and am currently planting some edible roots and shoots around the yard. I already have Burdock, lotus, jerusalem artichoke, bamboo....and am planning on adding in some cattail and horsetail.
Does anyone else have any insights or recommendation for additions to my raw root garden?