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Messages - sabertooth

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Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Another failed Carnivore Attempt
« on: November 15, 2019, 01:29:35 am »
Yeah I haven't been able to to make my diet feel optimal without doing the whole animal approach...and will go so far as to say that without a regular supply of fresh raw blood marrow, guts and organs, I wouldn't be able to make this diet work. I still also use a little coconut butter every day, and believe the medium chain fatty acids and small amount of carbs and fiber do help in some way.

Also going into the diet I had liver issues where my liver would be congested and hurt. Even eating small amounts of protein or carbs would spike my blood perhaps my liver and metabolic system were in such a unusual state that switching over to high fat and protein works for me in a way that it wouldn't work for others?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Another failed Carnivore Attempt
« on: November 12, 2019, 11:23:27 pm »
It can be problematic to entirely shift microbial and metabolic system cold turkey. I shifted into low carb and then into very low carb over a much longer period of time.

If you were carb tolerant before and consuming foods such as dairy then such a drastic change can put the body into shock. Dairy especially can be highly addictive, and it can take over three weeks to completely ride the gut from the effects of milk proteins and sugars.

Off Topic / Re: Give us a laugh !
« on: November 11, 2019, 12:31:17 am »

General Discussion / Re: different races and penis size
« on: November 04, 2019, 01:41:49 am »

Journals / Re: The Butcher
« on: September 22, 2019, 04:21:58 am »
The colonics experiment is ancient history to my memory...the lady didn't see any signs of parasites or abnormality. I now tend to believe that colonics are for the most part not beneficial or necessary....perhaps people who have some issues could get temporary alleviation, but if you are consuming a pure and nutritious diet based on Raw Animal foods then there shouldn't be any need for such cleansing.

As for symptoms of parasites, Im not exactly sure anymore what symptoms are due to parasites, and what may just be some other anomaly. The type of gut sensations and liver tenderness which I had thought could of been worms, have long since ceased. I often have gotten poor quality animals and for some reason or another will go through periods where something doesn't feel just right...but it never last as long as I can transition back to eating more optimal animals.

General Discussion / Re: rami nagiel died of cancer.. how?..
« on: September 01, 2019, 03:09:11 am »
There is a chicken or egg first, situation with mold and fungus cancer causation theory. There is definitely a strong correlation between these molds and fungal inundations  and conditions like cancer, but are they a direct cause or are they symptomatic of some other environmental condition?

Mold and fungus feed on decaying and already sickened tissues. Yeast are the last line of defense, when the metabolic system break down and the body accumulates excess biotoxins. Although the process by which fungus and mold break down waste on the body is not very kind, without these decomposing symbiotic organisms, our body’s would become overwhelmed with toxic tissues and die well before anything like cancer would take hold.

These organisms produce the elements needed to clean away and catabolicly neutralize elements which are far more detrimental to the body than the byproduct they excrete...the problem is that medical science cannot isolate exactly the underlying disbiosis which leads to such overgrowth, and so mistakes the symptoms with the disease.

There are many more nuances to this phenomenon, but the basic point is that although the toxic byproducts of mold and fungus can in excess lead to the eventual development of cancer, for the sake of holistic treatment  they still should viewed more like symptoms rather than a cause.

This of view mainly applies when there is an internal cases like house mold poisoning and chronic exposure to external toxic overgrowth, then there should be a much different approach. Housing materials infected with mold will off gas metabolic waste toxins full of both synthetic and organic pollution, there is no reason or necessity to be exposed to this kind of risk, when simple mindful avoidance of toxic environments can be practiced. Though like the frog slow boiled many people being slow poisoned will never realize the source of the it from internal or external nature?



Off Topic / Re: Muslims and disdain for vaccines due to halal concerns
« on: August 09, 2019, 10:51:40 am »
Here is the halal conundrum....would a food animal be considered halal if it was given gmo pork derived inoculations???

I’ve been screaming from the wilderness about the systematic drugging of industrial food animals for years, if I reject vaccines for humanity then it’s only logical that I wouldn’t ideally choose to eat vaccinated animals.

It’s all a bunch of weird cult science to me....anecdotally speaking the best animals I’ve had have never been given any drugs!


The persecution of Tommy is the prime example of the corrupt justice system of the UK

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: July 03, 2019, 08:39:42 am »
Saber, I have one question. Do you eat vegetables? Raw or cooked? Which ones? If so, what is the main reason you eat them?

You are everywhere, man. Keep it up!

I eat some vegetation occasionally, mostly coconut butter, and every now and then I will try small amounts of something randomly, such as some salad greens, burdock root, Brazil nuts...Not sure exactly about reasoning, its mainly out of curiosity and cravings which lead be to sample other foods from time to time.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: June 28, 2019, 06:34:53 am »
Ive got local news interview coming up

I will be on the Primal Edge on the 2nd
and there is a documentary from Amsterdam filming on the 3rd

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: June 28, 2019, 06:32:46 am »
Dope vid. A couple questions if you don't mind:

- What are the benefits of hanging the meat?
- Is your refrigerator (where you hang the meat) cooling, or is it simply used as a container?
- If it's on, what setting do you set it on?
- Does the meat rot or is it dry and stable? If it rots, at what rate (e.g., same rate as out in the open/slower/very slowly)?
- Does anyone complain about smells (assuming the meat is rotting)?
- Do you have any advice on smart ways to butcher the animals? E.g., how not to lose the blood?

Hanging the meat allows for maximum aeration
I use a stand up freezer unit that is hooked up to a thermostat that I set on just above freezing.
If the temperature is cold enough then there is very little rot and everything slowly ages
Butchering sheep and goats isnt difficult, I will cut the jugular veins and hold the animal down while I collect the blood in a bowl.
Having someone to help hold the animal may be necessary if it is too big and strong to manage alone.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: June 20, 2019, 09:45:04 am »
Barcroft must have released the still shots and uncut interviews to the daily mail...
This may have been the other deal they were telling me about....

I am filming something else for a new media startup from the Netherlands in July, so will continue to post any updates here..

Also planing on making an other appearance on the primal edge podcast sometime soon.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: June 19, 2019, 11:32:03 am »

The Barcroft episode has been unleashed!

General Discussion / Roots and Shoots
« on: June 08, 2019, 09:52:08 am »
Ive experimented with different plant foods over the years, and for the most part most plants don't work well with my high fat whole animal approach.

Recently I have discovered Burdock Root growing in my yard and have harvested some and eaten it raw, in small amounts it feels real refreshing, and seems to have an overall beneficial effect. If I eat more than a small root at a time I will feel a little bloated, but no where near the negative symptoms I would get from other vegetables.

The main inquiry here would be to ask others what raw roots, shoots, and tubers might go best in moderation along with a raw meat based diet? I am also interested in tonic roots that may not work as a primary food source, but could be used from time to time for their interesting and  adaptogenic effects....such as Ginseng or Sassafras?

It seems that there are many roots which have much less oxalates and other anti nutrient profiles, than many leafy greens . Perhaps there are minerals, resistance starch, and undiscovered synergistic factors contained in some roots that could be complementary a raw paleo diet?

I have built a large freshwater pond, and am currently planting some edible roots and shoots around the yard. I already have Burdock, lotus, jerusalem artichoke, bamboo....and am planning on adding in some cattail and horsetail.

Does anyone else have any insights or recommendation for additions to my raw root garden?

Every time I am confronted by Mainstream Daily recommended values for nutritional requirements, my mind congers up the vegetable polices parodies of SV3ridge, where  he goes into the breakdown of the real nutrients they dont tell us goat scrotum factor #4...people dont even know they are deficient in horse utter #7...everybody could definitely benefit from more walrus spleen co-factor #15 

Though there is some strong evidence linking certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies to specific illness, the scientific age with its focus on, parcing out and isolating specific elements, has left many people blind to the holistic nature of whole body nourishment. They are engaged in chronic over complicated thinking and baseless assumptions of what is needed for optimal nutrition...thinking that they can somehow balance an unbalanced diet by simply supplementing synthetic forms of the missing nutrients.

Off Topic / Re: Something to ponder as regards high-meat
« on: May 16, 2019, 12:52:14 am »
Most people are able to develop some tolerance to anaerobic bacteria, and though in excess they can cause adverse reactions, in small amounts they may not have a noticeable effect... having to metabolize the bio-toxins contained in these improperly aged meats over time could weaken overall vitality.

As soon as you bring plastic packaged meat home, open it up and hang it in an open air fridge, so that the more beneficial aerobic bacteria can edge out the anaerobic bacteria, so as to give the meat a better overall flavor and microbial profile as it ages.

Off Topic / Re: Something to ponder as regards high-meat
« on: May 15, 2019, 02:42:21 am »
Not enough clinical data to be for sure, but perhaps its not the bacteria in as much as it is the flesh dissolving enzymes produced by the bacteria that are of primal benefit?

In this thread of thinking the oxygen loving bacteria when eaten will deliver their precious special sauce directly to the belly of the beast, and as they themselves die and are digested in the oxygen deprived environment of the gut. The metabolic byproducts of these sacrificial high-meat bacteria then go into feeding a healthy balance of carnivorous indigenous micro flora.

The anaerobic bacteria, like those that grow when meat is wrapped up in plastic, do not so easily sacrifice themselves for the symbiotic nourishment of the indigenous microbiome  when ingested, instead they begin to inoculate the gut and inundate it with its own antagonistic secretions. Under some conditions these germs proliferate exponentially in an attempt of a hostile takeover, leading to a slue of negative effects, associated with what is called food poisoning.

These articles always seem dubious, there is no corroborating evidence, not photoes of the victims, no background health information, absolutely nothing at all that would give a better picture of what actually happened. There is this pretentious insinuation that people who are otherwise perfectly healthy are instantly killed dead after a brief exposure to a particular germ, and I am calling Bullshit. Look deeper into these cases any you will almost always find that these people are in some way already compromised, and are so susceptible to illness that the common cold would have killed them just as easily as some phantom plague.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: April 28, 2019, 05:55:35 am »
There is some liberty in the creative process and I would like to hear some feedback on possible headline titles for the Episode. We need something that will catch attention, without risking being censored by the suggested video censorship bots.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: April 27, 2019, 03:28:32 am »
Just finished speaking with my contact, filming is set for the 11th, and the Cameraman will be contacting me soon to go over the itinerary.

I found out that the same producer who is in contact with me is also looking into doing a Freelee the Banana Girl story....He had no idea of her back story of Riding Durian Roider into the vegan spotlight. The people involved with Barcroft seem for the most part, opposed to the kind of Hate filled extremist content produced by Freelee, so I felt obligated to give them fair warning about the woman.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: April 21, 2019, 09:31:58 pm »
Barcroft operates on a shoestring budget,  the cost of two days of filming was an issue from the beginning.... and since the higher ups said no farm scene allowed, they decided to streamline everything to one day.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: April 21, 2019, 10:30:35 am »
Interesting developments regarding the Barcroft Doc....Ive been in negotiation for weeks, attempting to set up a filming that included me going to a farm and sourcing my own Animal foods. The original plan was for a two day shoot which might of allowed me just enough time to properly showcase my way of life. Then I was informed that because of Youtube policy, any content which contains the butchering of animals or the consuming of Blood would be demonetized. So instead I will be doing a one day filming set that will exclude the farm to table aspect of my lifestyle.

Regardless of these limitations I believe the people involved will give me a fair opertunity, and the date has been set for the May the 11th.

From my various E-mail exchanges with my contact person, it seems more clear to me that there is a minority of Neo Intelligentsia rising from within the UK, who do not buy into the Vegetarian propaganda...they are extremely interested in the farm to table sustainable aspect, and generally seem in line with the ecology of sourcing ones own food. There is a sense of general frustration regarding the overlording ivory tower regulation and censorship that has swept over much of Europe. The intentions of many of these people in the UK are good, but they do not have any proactive examples to follow, and the structure of their society makes it very difficult for the agents of change to usurp.

Aside from this BarCroft segment, I am also having a "down low" discussion with someone in the UK about pitching my story to a more mainstream media outlet. The hope is that my down to earth and very moderate way of presenting this "extreme diet" would make a huge impression on large numbers of people, if only it was given a fair chance on the right platform.

Off Topic / Re: US/UK etc farmers being hit
« on: April 14, 2019, 11:51:58 pm »
Unless one is wealthy like the royals who have access to their own premium sources of food, then the UK is not the place to be for living the optimal Raw Paleo Dream. Even though there may be a few decent sources over there, the absurd regulations and high cost of living are just to much for the average working class family to afford.

At least in Fly Over Country America, there are large numbers of fiercely independent small family farms, where people who are highly motivated can go to directly buy good quality food. Where I live one can purchase whole animals and butcher in their back yard, without any governmental interference whatsoever...and although raw milk is still illegal in much of America there are plenty of renegades willing to stick it to the Man by running black market boot legging Dairy operations.

Good quality pastured Raw milk goes for 8 dollars a gallon on the black market around here.

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