« on: November 01, 2018, 09:33:29 am »
Balance can be difficult to find, especially when inundated with conflicted information. The human nature under the influence of artificial environmental conditioning, has become so detached from being able to fully trust instinct, and so we rely heavily on intelligence to generate creative solutions to the problems that arise with the severance from nature. This increasing reliance upon information creates a vicious circle which has taken us so far from our evolutionary environment, that finding a balance between the instinct and intellect becomes an impossible feat.
Dairy simply never worked well for me, but being exposed to AV and many others lead me to once believe that if only I adopted the correct protocols and followed the prescriptions religiously then I could provoke proper adaption. Eventually I got the message that dairy just didn't work well for me personally, and life is much better without it.
There are just too many blind spots in the logic behind Dairy consumption persistence adaptations. The conditions which had to occur in order for humans to form a balanced adaption to heavy dairy consumption, is for the most part too extreme to reproduce in the modern era. Imagine nearly starved pastoral herds peoples, braving the extreme conditions of life on the frontier. During certain seasons they would be ravenous for anything which would allow them to simply survive to the next season. Learning to utilize dairy, fermenting it, making cheeses, butter, gave people an advantage...but it must of taken countless generations to adapt.... living on the brink of imbalance...consuming large amounts of rotten milk, having the infants nursed by mothers also consuming copious amounts of dairy throughout her life. Transgenerationally passed down antibodies and very early inoculation with lacto-friendly microcosms allowed for a delicate balance form.
But this balance was extremely precarious from the very beginning, and once the mother to offspring cycle was broken...this prenatal and postnatal dairy tolerance inoculations through prolonged breast milk feeding, and weaning directly to fermented dairy...then this balance was lost. Some people who haven't been to harshly effected by the modern afflictions may still have remnants of this dairy digestion persistence, but many other are totally intolerant and it would be foolish for those people to continue to pursue dairy based dietary protocols.
My mother was formula fed, I was only breast fed for 4 month, I was given multiple antibiotics as a baby, and drank pasteurized milk for my entire childhood until i finally realized it was actually behind many of my health issues. Ive learned to accept this fact and have moved on to seeking out foods which can heal and nourish that are not so troublesome to the system. Perhaps if I had no other choice like our ancient ancestors I could force myself into some haphazard tolerance to dairy and ignore the negative instinctive signalling for long enough to redevelop the kind of mutations which would reintroduce dairy digestive resistance into the modern gene pool...but as of now that just seems counter intuitive to how i wish to spend my life......After a short time of experiencing mucous stools, constipation, feeling horribly, or whatever other symptoms of dairy woes, I would advise people reconsider dairy elimination.
Perhaps this may be extreme, but the first symptoms of intolerance to any-food, will cause me to to pause and weigh out the pros and cons, using both instinct and intellect, to decide what next to do. Its gotten to the point where I will throw out an entire animal if after a few days it doesn't suit me, even if there isn't anything visibly wrong with it.